
Annual maintenance contract –AMC


We offer Annual maintenance contracts for entire Diesel Generating Sets

  1. Visit based– For 6/12 Visits in a Year. No spares are covered.
  2. Semi comprehensive – This contract includes Service as well as consumable parts required in a year to be include in the scope of the contract. (i.e., mandatory replacement of the parts as per manufacture recommendation that is B Check and C Check activity and same parts include in Service contract for yearly activity for single order process) Its reduce order processing time and in single order your Dg set mandatory maintenance spares also covered in contract.
  3. Comprehensive– This contract will be applicable only for continuous running Dg sets. Scope Covers Service as well as all parts required for maintenance and breakdown.
  4. Operation and Maintenance– This contract include 24*7 manpower supplied to your Dg set site in three shift operators with 8 Hours duty time per shift. Which include manpower as well as separate AMC as per site requirement and depends upon number of Dg set available on the site.
  5. Control Panels and Breaker– This is Special services offer other than Cummins product we are supporting your Synchronizing Panel and Breaker with separate special electrical skills Engineer as per your site requirement contract design as per scope of work.  




Single Point Service & 24×7 breakdown support

Covers Engine Alternator & Panel

High Uptime

Comprehensive / detailed Checklist for each visit

Every system / part is checked

High Uptime

Qualified Service Engineer with exclusive ownership

Best person to do the job

High Uptime, best value for money

Alternate / Standby in case of owner engineer not available

Proactive Standby arrangement


Highly skilled & experienced Service Managers to co-ordinate and guide

Quality Service

High Uptime, best value for money

Tracking & Execution of B/C/D checks

You need not keep track

Timely maintenance

Inventory of Spares

Planned for you

No additional inventory cost

      Quality of Service

Right tools for right job

Lower owner ship cost

      Review Mechanism

Know the condition of your DG set

Budgeting for availability

Cummins Support for training, special tools & expertise

Manufacturer’s support

Assurance of Quality & Dependability

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